


A human’s life, whether it is the life of a common man or of superman, is always filled with several instances of success and failure. However, our intellect continues to persuade us that success is good and failure is bad. This is because we believe that success and failure are both a measure of our abilities. This helps in grooming our capabilities further until they are fully honed.

But, what happens in reality? In a situation of failure, we get depressed rather than take it as a learning experience. Similarly, in a situation of success, we get so elevated (both excitement and self-pride get elevated) such that we feel that we have achieved greatness and that we have obtained the key to success. In both these situations, our reactions are so extreme that we stunt our own growth. 
After Success and Failure

Do you want to know how? Here it is!

Situation 1: After Success: “Yes, I did it!”, “No one can beat me now!”, “I did it all on my own.”, “I have achieved perfection!”, “All this happened only because of me.” “You can learn how to be successful from me!”,“I have the key to success.”

Situation 2: After Failure: “Oh! I couldn’t cut it!”, “I knew I was not going to accomplish it, my horoscope said so.”, “Now, what will happen to me?”, “All my efforts went to waste.”, “Because of God all this happened.”, “You are the cause of my failure.”

In both situations, let us focus on the latter statements. If we are successful, we give all the credit to ourselves. However, if we fail, we blame God, other people, and even our destiny. How controversial these reactions are! That is because we are biased when it comes to identifying the doer, without investigating who is the real culprit. By doing so, not only are we spoiling our relations with God and others but we are also ruining our own success, as we now think that success will only come if those accused entities are absent. However, are those entities the true cause of our failure or success? No! That is because even if one of them is not present, success and failure still comes to you, right?

So, what is the science behind how to be successful? Let us find out!

 - Success and failure comes to us as a result of our past deeds. Good deeds certainly bring forward success with least efforts in whatever you do, whereas bad deeds attract failure even if you give it your best shot. So, why blame God for failure, as he has nothing to do with it?

- Success and failure both do not last forever. Then, why should we get disheartened during failure, as it is temporary?

Although success and failure last only for some time, both teach us something before departing. If success teaches us how hard work and positive attitude bear sweet fruit, failure teaches us that its bitter fruit has to power to transform all our weaknesses and negativity into strengths and positivity. Failure is a natural motivator that pushes us toward success if it is seen as a learning opportunity, not as be all end all opportunities. At the same time, we should not become over-confident and arrogant, when success brings its sweet fruits very often.

In short, the key to success is to maintain the aforementioned attitude consistently, while facing both success and failure. For that, we need to accept that success and failure are temporary phases of life, as they come and go. So then, who is permanent in life? Well, your inner Self, the Soul, is permanent and realizing this divine entity helps keep a positive balanced attitude during success and failure respectively. During success, this attitude does not make you over confident; while at the time of failure, it does not make you depressed.

In fact, such a balanced attitude enables you to follow the two master keys for easy and quick success in any domain of your life:

- Remain sincere to a goal (Sincerity as the first key).

- Maintain a positive mental attitude without getting depressed, no matter how bad the situation may be (Positive Attitude as the second key).

balanced attitude enables you to follow the two master keys for easy and quick success in any domain of your life

This is the message of many historical icons such as Abraham Lincoln and Helen Keller who have been successful in their endeavors through these two master keys. Abraham Lincoln was mostly self-educated but still managed to be the 16th President of the United States to abolish slavery and modernize the government. Similarly, Helen Keller became the first person with deaf blindness to gain the degree of Bachelor of Arts. She dedicated her life in helping the lives of other disabled people around the world. Well, she is the founder of the American Foundation for the Blind.

Many people have experienced this state of balanced attitude, who are now able to see failure and success as motivators to move ahead, instead of halting and falling backward.

the source of this article

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